After years of debating and deliberating, so many requests and demands (actually only 3 days of deliberating and 2 people in 7 years have asked) I thought I'd have a crack (coffee pun) at Decaf.
Scrolling through narrative around bean colour, density, form, and the usual "depends on the usual bean characteristics" I had a go. The narrative and fails many people have had made it quite confronting, but the results after playing with some temps and volume - I think a pretty good roasted bean AND it's decaf.
It will never be my go-to bean of choice, but the flavours from this little Mexican Chiapas bean were consistent with the chocolate and spice I get from other Mexican roasts I've done and also a hint of The Doctor.
So, I'm one step closer to my "Decaf, Alcohol Free" Espresso Martini.... but again... is it really something in demand? I guess time will tell!
Kudos goes to: Aillio Bullet Members who shared their experience, Coffee Snobs Members who did the same. Useful article:
So, watch this space, we might have a new Decaf option coming soon...